About Andrea Updyke

Thank you for reading Just is a four letter word. My name is Andrea, and I am a wife, mama, and writer seeking to celebrate the moments that make life a little bit easier and a lot more fun. 

I believe most of life’s problems can be solved with a good meal and lots of love. As a wife and a mom of two boys, I’ve prepared many meals and shared even more love.

A woman wearing an apron stands in a kitchen and smiles at the camera. She is cooking crab cakes in a skillet on the stovetop. The kitchen has a sign behind her that reads "No Thyme to Cook." About Andrea Updyke, she truly knows how to add a personal touch to every dish.
Andrea Updyke cooking crab cakes

I genuinely enjoy being in the kitchen, whether making an easy dinner or playing with a fun cookie idea. But I don’t think cooking has to be complicated.

In fact, I love a good shortcut!

My mom used to say, if you can read, you can cook! And I have taken this to heart over the years. On this site, I share recipe ideas and family favorites meant to be enjoyed easily.

My goal is to equip and inspire you to get in the kitchen and have fun while you’re there. Recipes are a great jumping-off point to creativity. Not to mention, delicious!

We also love to travel as a family and enjoy living right in the heart of Raleigh, NC. When we are not at home doing everyday life, we travel as often as possible. I love experiencing other cultures and learning about art, history, and food!

A group of four people stands on the Brooklyn Bridge with the city skyline in the background on a clear day, about to share their favorite spots inspired by Andrea Updyke.
Andrea Updyke and family on the Brooklyn Bridge

We love visiting theme parks, cruising, and taking road trips with our RV. International destinations are on tap for 2024, and I can’t wait to share them with you!

A family of four stands in front of a castle with two costumed characters on stage, all wearing visitor passes around their necks, as if posing for a scene straight out of Andrea Updyke's blog.
Andrea Updyke and family at Walt Disney World

Just is a Four Letter Word is my anthem because it’s impossible to “just” be one thing, and that’s ok! Take the JUST away and enjoy trying new things, no matter your skill level.

If you want to chat about working together check out my portfolio and media kit, or contact me at andrea@justisafourletterword.com.


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Beyond the blog



Guest Lecturer

  • Professional Freelancing for Creative Careers – Auburn University – 2016


  • HLN | Mom Confessions April 2014
  • NBC | My Carolina Today January 2013
  • About.com | Tips for Preschoolers at Walt Disney World




Andrea Updyke Collaborations