I Finally Found the Best Shoes for Standing All Day

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For someone who loves to go to Disney World as much as I do, you would think I would have found the best shoes for standing all day and walking the parks by now. I mean, sure I’ve had comfy shoes over the years. But this year is different. 

I turned 40 this summer and was assigned my mysterious illness just weeks before that milestone birthday. Since around May, I’ve been dealing with some pretty ferocious plantar fasciitis in my right heel and it has rendered nearly all my shoes useless.

Something as simple as getting out of bed became extremely painful and you can forget walking all day. I normally have a quick pace, but on our summer vacation, I could barely keep up.

My friend and fellow Disney Parks Moms Panelist, Kate, also happens to be a nurse and she recommended Oofos recovery shoes. I decided to buy a pair of sandals and try them out and y’all, I am changed.

Oofos are the best shoes for standing all day

This post is a collaboration with Oofos. I contacted them after experiencing their awesome shoes and not only did they send me some shoes, they offered to give some to you as well! Read on to learn more and enter for a chance to win. My blog posts contain affiliate links, which means I may earn a commission on purchases made. 

What are the best shoes for standing all day?

OK so the truth is the best shoes for standing all day are the ones you can stand to be in all day. I know that sounds a little vague but different feet need different things. That said, I have been wearing Oofos sandals or the new OOmg recovery shoe all day every day almost exclusively since July and my feet have never been happier.

For me, Oofos are the best shoes for standing all day by a landslide.

Oofos Sandals side view

Since I purchased my first pair of Oofos, I reached out to the company to see if they wanted to collaborate, and they agreed! They sent me another pair of sandals and the new OOmg shoe to try now that the weather is getting cooler. My husband also bought a pair and all I can say is I am “feeling the OO!” as their slogan says.

What are Oofos Made of?

Oofos are sold as recovery shoes for runners and other athletes but if that doesn’t describe you, don’t miss out. Their proprietary foam absorbs shock and feels fantastic on sore arches. They are latex-free and vegan as well. You can read all about the materials here. You don’t have to participate in a bunch of marathon weekends to have comfortable shoes.

If you are like me lately and just getting out of bed hurts, Oofos really are the best shoes for standing all day or walking where you need to be. Another perk? They don’t smell! I wore my sandals all summer and rarely wear socks with the shoe and they do not retain odor, which is amazing.

Oofos OOmg Shoe side view

Are Oofos the best shoes for overweight people?

In my opinion, yes Oofos have been the most comfortable shoe for me when I’m overweight. I’m working on taking that stress off my body, but thankful to have some good shoes that make life a little easier for me in the meantime.

My weight has fluctuated my entire life and having shoes that fit properly, absorb shock and are supportive is essential for those fluffier seasons. I’ve found that my Oofos in both styles do this really well.

Oofos OOmg Shoe Back view

Are Oofos worth the price?

Oofos come in a variety of styles and a variety of prices starting at about $50 for the sandals. The first pair I bought were worth their weight in gold to me for the relief I experienced every single time I put them on. And while they did graciously send me a couple more styles, I will definitely be purchasing more when I need them. I can’t imagine not having at least one pair at all times.

For fall, I am loving my Oofos OOmg low shoes and they are perfect for the colder weather. They also have clogs and just came out with a boot that I am super curious about! They are just that good.

How long do Oofos last?

Oofos recommends replacing your shoes after about 4-6 months of wear and tear. Of course, this time frame will vary based on your use. I wore my first pair of sandals almost exclusively for a little under 4 months and was still very happy with them.

However, when the brand sent me a new pair, the difference was definitely noticeable so I tend to agree with their recommendation.

Win a pair of Oofos Sandals!

Now that you’ve listened to me crown Oofos the best shoes for standing all day, the best shoes for men or women, the best shoes for high arches and the best shoes for overweight moms who just want to stand and wash the dishes without cringing, I figured we should give some away!

*Giveaway has ended* One lucky reader will get too “feel the OO” with a new pair of Oofos sandals! I seriously can’t WAIT to give these to one of you.

To enter: leave a comment on this post and let me know what you love about Oofos or ask me a question I haven’t already answered. 

I am 100% hooked on these shoes and want everyone to have happy feet too! And from what I can tell, I’m not the only fan. If you know anyone else who would benefit from a new pair of shoes, please share this post so they can enter too!

Also, be sure to keep up with the latest Oofos styles and updates on their fun Instagram account.

Oofos sandals top view

You have until November 15th at 11:59pm ET to enter. US entries age 18 and older only please. Good luck!

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Best Shoes for Standing All Day

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About Andrea Updyke

Andrea Updyke is a married mom of two boys living in Raleigh, NC. She is a published author and blogger of more than 18 years and loves to celebrate the little things that make life awesome.

Whether she's sharing tasty recipes, traveling or hanging with the family, Andrea's goal is to help make your days a little easier and a lot more fun! Email inquiries to andreaupdyke@gmail.com.

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  1. I LOVE MY OOFOS!!!! I’ve been fighting plantar fasciitis for years and have been getting cortisone shots and needed surgery until I found these beauties! I’ve been wearing them all day everyday since June and my feet have felt wonderful! Haven’t had to have shots and I hope not to have the surgery because they don’t hurt. I will not be without them ever again!

  2. I love my Oofos sandals and realky want to try the shoes for the cooler weather that is coming up are they as comfy as the sandals? Thanks, Steve F.

  3. I have a very narrow foot. Do you think the sandals would work for me? I enjoyed your post about these shoes! I don’t mind spending the money if the shoes will fit and actually help me. I live in the south where the winters are mostly summers. I just got to get this plantar fasciitis under control. My feet are killing me. Plus, I have a degenerative labral year in the hip and it’s on the same leg that the plantar fasciitis bothers me so bad. Please consider me as someone that could really really use the shoes. Thank you

    1. Hi Ellen! Thanks for your comment. I think they are certainly worth a try. My feet aren’t extremely narrow but they are on the narrow side and I love the shoes. I’d say try them out and if they don’t work, no harm in sending them back. I hope you get some relief soon!

  4. I found my sandals at our local Amish shoe store. On a whim I tried them on and immediately had to buy them. I have worn them almost nonstop all summer. I can’t wait to try out the sneakers.

  5. Thank you for telling us about these great shoes! I have never tried them or heard of them, until I read your post. My sister is a school teacher of 15 years & has constant foot pain & has high arches. She’s had 2 knee surgeries & can only wear certain shoes. I can’t wait to tell her about Oofos! Please consider her for your giveaway, not only is she a great teacher but also an amazing mom to twins….her feet go through A LOT ?. Do they have wide width? Thank you so much!

  6. You had me at total comfort. I have yet to find a pair of shoes that can help support my feet after being on them all day long! What an awesome brand it sounds like, love to win a pair!

    Email: apleykelsey@gmail.com if win

  7. I’m always in the lookout for comfy shoes— and that is especially important for days that we do lots of walking! I have Raynaud’s and sometimes, that makes even walking painful, so I would love to try these! Do these shoes provide comfort for the pain that comes with Raynaud’s?

  8. These look very stylish. When we vacation, we walk all. day. long. I’ve tried just about every shoe out there and have found one or two that I like, but nothing that lasts much longer than the trip — and I still use gel inserts and my feet are still sore! I just got back from NYC and my pinky toe still hurts! ?

    My question: Do these come in wide? Or does the regular width fit a wide foot? I can wear most regular width shoes, but some are better than others.

    Another question: how many hours at a time have you worn them? Are they good for 8-10 hours of standing/walking?

    These really look amazing and I’m definitely up for trying them whether I win a pair or not!